
AMP Step Wedge Trial

Not Applicable
Other: AMP Implementation
Registration Number
Lead Sponsor
Johns Hopkins University
Brief Summary

Annually, more than 35 million patients are hospitalized in the United States. Many of these will experience hospital-acquired loss of physical functioning due to a lack of mobility during their in-patient stay. Such loss includes difficulties performing basic activities, such as rising from a chair, toileting, or ambulating. This loss of function may increase hospital length of stay (LOS), nursing home placement, and decrease mobility and participation in community activities even years after hospitalization. Prevention of this hospital-acquired functional loss is critical. Even the sickest hospitalized patients (e.g., those in the intensive care unit \[ICU\]), can safely and feasibly benefit from early mobilization. In the non-ICU setting there is evidence that patient mobilization reduces LOS and hospital costs, while improving patient satisfaction and physical and psychological outcomes. The overall objective of this proposed project is to evaluate the implementation and impact of a transdisciplinary and multifaceted mobility program (Johns Hopkins Activity and Mobility Promotion - AMP) on clinical outcomes among hospitalized adults. In addition to clinical outcomes, we will identify barriers and facilitators to high-performance program adoption. Results of this project will provide critical new insights on the effectiveness of AMP and inform dissemination and implementation nationwide.

Detailed Description

Not available

Recruitment & Eligibility

Target Recruitment
Inclusion Criteria
  • All adult patients admitted to study hospital unit
  • Analysis will only include those with lengths of stay >=3 days
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Exclusion Criteria
  • Patients with active do-not-resuscitate (DNR) order
  • <18 years old
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Study & Design

Study Type
Study Design
Arm && Interventions
AMP ImplementationAMP Implementation-
Primary Outcome Measures
% of patients meeting daily mobility goal39 months

Mobility goal is set and measured using the Johns Hopkins Highest Level of Mobility (JH-HLM) Scale

% of patients with mobility measurements documented daily39 months

Mobility documentation to include Activity Measure for Post-Acute Care (AM-PAC) and JH-HLM

% of patients receiving physical and/or occupational therapy consults39 months

To be extracted from electronic medical record

Secondary Outcome Measures
Number of physical and occupational therapy visits received during inpatient stay39 months

To be extracted from electronic medical record

Number of patients with 30-day readmissions39 months

To be extracted from electronic medical record

Hospital length of stay (days)39 months

To be extracted from electronic medical record

Number of hospital-acquired morbidities39 months

Includes falls, pressure injury, and venous thromboembolism. To be extracted from electronic medical record

Discharge disposition status39 months

Count of where patients are discharged to (e.g,. home, inpatient rehab unit) assessed by extraction from electronic medical record.

Employee injuries resulting from patient mobilization39 months

Number of employee injuries from facilitating patient mobility as assessed by medical record extraction

Trial Locations

Locations (1)

Johns Hopkins Hospital


Baltimore, Maryland, United States

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