
Open Label, Phase II Study to Evaluate Efficacy and Safety of Oral Nilotinib in Philadelphia Positive (Ph+) Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML) Pediatric Patients.

Phase 2
Philadelphia Positive (Ph+) Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia
Registration Number
Lead Sponsor
Novartis Pharmaceuticals
Brief Summary

To evaluate the safety, efficacy and pharmacokinetics of nilotinib over time in the Ph+ chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) in pediatric patients (from 1 to \<18 years).

Detailed Description

The study was designed as a multi-center, open-label, non-controlled phase II study to assess efficacy, safety and PK parameters of 230 mg/m2 twice daily nilotinib in pediatric patients (1 to \<18 years old). The study population consisted of three cohorts of Ph+ CML pediatric patients:

* Cohort 1: Ph+ CML-CP patients resistant or intolerant to either imatinib or dasatinib

* Cohort 2: Ph+ CML-AP patients resistant or intolerant to either imatinib or dasatinib

* Cohort 3: Newly-diagnosed Ph+ CML-CP patients in first chronic phase A minimum number of 50 pediatric patients (from 1 to \<18 years) were enrolled in the study. Of them, at least 15 patients were Ph+ CML-CP patients resistant or intolerant to either imatinib or dasatinib, and at least 15 were newly-diagnosed Ph+ CML-CP patients in first chronic phase patients. There was no minimum number of patients required for Ph+ CML-AP patients resistant or intolerant to either imatinib or dasatinib.

Based on enrollment forecasts as of Jan 2015, and to reflect the agreements with the US FDA and the PDCO, the study remained open for enrollment until the targeted number of 50 patients with at least 15 newly diagnosed Ph+CML patients was achieved or until 31May2015, whichever was later.

Patients who completed the study were treated with nilotinib for a total of 66 cycles of 28 days unless the patient prematurely discontinued study treatment.

The primary analysis cut-off date was the date when all patients enrolled in the trial either completed their visit for treatment cycle 12 or had discontinued study treatment early (EoT/early discontinuation visit). These analyses were reported in the 12-cycle clinical study report (CSR). A 24-cycle analysis was done when all patients had either completed their 24-cycle treatment visit or had discontinued study treatment early.

At trial end, a final comprehensive CSR of all data collected during the trial was produced.

Recruitment & Eligibility

Target Recruitment
Inclusion Criteria
  • Newly diagnosed and untreated Ph+ CML CP or Ph+ CML CP or AP resistant or intolerant to either imatinib or dasatinib
  • Karnofsky ≥ 50% for patients > 10 years of age and Lansky ≥ 50 for patients ≤ 10 years of age
  • Adequate renal, hepatic and pancreatic function
  • Potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and total calcium values ≥ LLN (lower limit of normal)
  • Written informed consent


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Exclusion Criteria
  • Treatment with strong CYP3A4 inhibitors or inducers
  • Use or planned use of any medications that have a known risk or possible risk to prolong the QT interval
  • Acute or chronic liver, pancreatic or severe renal disease
  • History of pancreatitis or chronic pancreatitis.
  • Impaired cardiac function
  • No evidence of active graft vs host and <3mo since Stem Cell Transplant
  • Total body irradiation (TBI) or craniospinal radiation therapy <6months
  • Hypersensitivity to the active ingredient or any of the excipients including lactose.
  • the criteria regarding pregnancy and contraception
  • Active or systemic bacterial, fungal, or viral infection
  • known Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, or HIV infection
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Study & Design

Study Type
Study Design
Arm && Interventions
Resistant/intolerant Ph+ CML in APnilotinibResistant or intolerant to either imatinib or dasatinib - at the end no patients were enrolled in this arm.
Newly diagnosed and untreated Ph+ CML in first CPnilotinibDiagnosis within 6 months of date of first cytogenetic analysis confirming Philadelphia chromosome with (9;22) translocation by standard conventional cytogenetic analysis.
Resistant/intolerant Ph+ CML in CPnilotinibResistant or Intolerant to either imatinib or dasatinib
Primary Outcome Measures
MMR Rate by 12 Cycles in Newly Diagnosed Ph+ CML-CP Patients12 cycles

MMR is defined as ≤ 0.1% BCR-ABL/control gene (ABL) % by international scale, or equivalent to ≥ 3 log reduction of BCR-ABL transcript from standardized baseline, measured by RQ-PCR (Real time quantitative polymerase chain reaction). BCR-ABL is the fusion gene from breakpoint cluster region and Abelson genes. A patient was counted as having MMR by 12 cycles if the patient met the MMR criteria at least once at any time between first study drug intake and Cycle 12 visit included.

Rate of Major Molecular Response (MMR) at 6 Cycles for Ph+ CML CP Patients Resistant or Intolerant to Imatinib or Dasatinib6 cycles

MMR is defined as ≤ 0.1% BCR-ABL/control gene (ABL) % by international scale, or equivalent to ≥ 3 log reduction of BCR-ABL transcript from standardized baseline, measured by RQ-PCR (Real time quantitative polymerase chain reaction). BCR-ABL is the fusion gene from breakpoint cluster region and Abelson genes. A patient was counted as having MMR at 6 cycles if the patient met the MMR criteria at the Cycle 6 Visit.

Rate of Complete Cytogenic Response (CCyR) at 12 Cycles in Newly Diagnosed Ph+ CML-CP Patients12 cycles

Cytogenetic response is assessed as the percentage of Philadelphia positive (Ph+) metaphases in the bone marrow. Complete Cytogenetic Response (CCyR) is defined as 0% of Ph+ metaphases. A patient was counted as CCyR at 12 cycles if the patient met the CCyR criteria at the Cycle 12 Visit.

Secondary Outcome Measures
MMR Rate by Time Points in Ph+ CML-CP Patients Resistant or Intolerant to Imatinib or DasatinibBy 3, 6, 9 , 12, 24, 36, 48, 66 cycles ( 1 cycle = 28 days)

Major molecular response (MMR) was defined as BCR-ABL/ABL % ≤ 0.1% by IS as measured by RQ-PCR, confirmed by duplicate analysis of the same sample.

Best BCR-ABL Ratio Categories for Newly Diagnosed Ph+ CML-CP - Overallup to 66 cycles (1 cycle = 28 days)

MMR is defined as ≤ 0.1% BCR-ABL/control gene (ABL) % by international scale, or equivalent to ≥ 3 log reduction of BCR-ABL transcript from standardized baseline, measured by RQ-PCR (Real time quantitative polymerase chain reaction). BCR-ABL is the fusion gene from breakpoint cluster region and Abelson genes. BCR-ABL ratio by percentage: \> 0.0032 to ≤ 0.01% is equal to a log reduction category of \>= 4 to \<4.5 -log reduction (MR4); BCR-ABL ratio by percentage: \<=0.0032% is equal to a log reduction category of \>= 4.5-log reduction (MMR4.5)

Time to First MMR Among Imatinib or Dasatinib Resistant or Intolerant CML-CP Patients Who Achieved MMRFrom first dosing to the first MMR within 66 cycles period

Time from first study drug intake to first MMR amongst imatinib or dasatinib resistant or intolerant patients with CML-CP computed only for patients who achieved MMR.

Time to First MMR Among Newly Diagnosed Ph+ CML-CP Patients Who Achieved MMRFrom first dosing to the first MMR within 66 cycles period

Time to MMR is the time from first study drug intake to first major molecular response computed only for participants who achieved MMR.

Best BCR-ABL Ratio Categories for Resistant/Intolerant Ph+ CML - Overallup to 66 cycles (1 cycle = 28 days)

MMR is defined as ≤ 0.1% BCR-ABL/control gene (ABL) % by international scale, or equivalent to ≥ 3 log reduction of BCR-ABL transcript from standardized baseline, measured by RQ-PCR (Real time quantitative polymerase chain reaction). BCR-ABL is the fusion gene from breakpoint cluster region and Abelson genes. BCR-ABL ratio by percentage: \> 0.0032 to ≤ 0.01% is equal to a log reduction category of \>= 4 to \<4.5 -log reduction (MR4); BCR-ABL ratio by percentage: \<=0.0032% is equal to a log reduction category of \>= 4.5-log reduction (MMR4.5)

Duration of First MMR Among Newly Diagnosed Patients Who Achieved MMRfrom MMR until confirmed loss of MMR (Assessed up to 66 cycles)es)

Duration of MMR is defined as the time between the date of the first MMR and the date of confirmed loss of MMR (i.e. the earliest of confirmed loss of MMR, CML-related death or progression to AP or BC). Participants without loss of MMR were censored at the last molecular assessment date.

Best Complete Hematological Response (CHR) by Time Pointcycle 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 66

Complete Hematological Response (CHR) was defined as

* WBC count \<10×109/L

* platelet count \<450×109/L

* basophils \<5%

* no blasts and promyelocytes in peripheral blood

* myelocytes+metamyelocytes \<5% in peripheral blood

* no evidence of extramedullary disease, including spleen and liver

* Assessment confirmation after at least 4 weeks for newly diagnosed Ph+ CML-CP

Overall Survival (OS) in Newly Diagnosed CML-CP Patientsfrom first dosing to death up to 66 cycles

Overall survival is defined as the time from the date of first study drug intake to the date of death due to any cause. If a patient is not known to have died, survival will be censored at the date of their last assessment for patients on study and date of last contact for patients in follow-up.

Kaplan-Meier Estimates of Duration of First Complete Cytogenic Response (CCyR) Among Patients Who Achieved CCyR in Newly Diagnosed Ph+ CML-CP PatientsFrom CCyR to loss of CCyR up to 66 cycles

Cytogenetic response is assessed as the percentage of Philadelphia positive (Ph+) metaphases in the bone marrow. Complete Cytogenetic Response (CCyR) is defined as 0% of Ph+ metaphases. A patient was counted as having CCyR by 6 cycles (respectively 12 cycles) if the patient met the CCyR criteria at least once at any time between first study drug intake and cycle 6 (cycle 12 respectively) visit included.

Event Free Survival in Newly Diagnosed CML-CP PatientsFrom first dosing to the disease progression or death up to 66 cycles

Event Free Survival is defined as the time from the date of first study drug intake to the first occurrence of any of the following loss of CHR, loss of MCyR ( PCyR + CCyR), progression to AP/BC (from CP) or to BC (from AP), or death from any cause. (Including events only during treatment)

Pharmacokinetics: Steady State Concentration of Nilotinib in Newly Diagnosed CML-CP PatientsCycle 1 Day 8

PK was analyzed only when all patients has completed 12 cycles of treatment or discontinued the study treatment early.

MMR Rate by Time Points in Newly Diagnosed Ph+ CML-CP Patientsby 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, 36, 48, 66 cycles (1 cycle = 28 days)

Major molecular response (MMR) was defined as BCR-ABL/ABL % ≤ 0.1% by IS as measured by RQ-PCR, confirmed by duplicate analysis of the same sample.

Duration of First MMR Among Patients Who Were Resistant or Intolerant to Either Imatinib or Dasatinib Who Achieved MMRfrom MMR until confirmed loss of MMR (Assessed up to 66 cycles)

Duration of MMR is defined as the time between the date of the first MMR and the date of confirmed loss of MMR (i.e. the earliest of confirmed loss of MMR, CML-related death or progression to AP or BC). Participants without loss of MMR were censored at the last molecular assessment date.

Best Complete Cytogenetic Response (CCyR) Categories in Ph+ CML-CP Patients Resistant or Intolerant to Imatinib or Dasatinib - Overallup to 66 cycles

* Complete cytogenetic response (CCyR) - 0% Ph+ metaphases

* Partial cytogenetic response (PCyR) - \>0 to 35% Ph+ metaphases

* Minor cytogenetic response (mCyR) - \>35 to 65% Ph+ metaphases

* Minimal - \>65 to 95% Ph+ metaphases

* None - \>95 to 100% Ph+ metaphases

* Major cytogenetic response (MCyR) - 0 to 35% Ph+ metaphases. A major response combines both complete and partial responses.

Kaplan-Meier Estimates of Time to First Complete Cytogenic Response (CCyR) in Newly Diagnosed Ph+ CML-CP PatientsFrom first dosing to the first CCyR up to 66 cycles

Cytogenetic response is assessed as the percentage of Philadelphia positive (Ph+) metaphases in the bone marrow. Complete Cytogenetic Response (CCyR) is defined as 0% of Ph+ metaphases. A patient was counted as having CCyR by 6 cycles (respectively 12 cycles) if the patient met the CCyR criteria at least once at any time between first study drug intake and cycle 6 (cycle 12 respectively) visit included.

Kaplan-Meier Estimates of Time to First Major Cytogenetic Response (MCyR) in Newly Diagnosed CML-CP Patientsup to 66 cycles

Major cytogenetic response (MCyR) - 0 to 35% Ph+ metaphases. A major response combines both complete and partial responses.

Summary of Time to First Complete Hematological Response (CHR) Among Patients Who Achieved Confirmed CHR in Newly Diagnosed CML-CP Patientsfrom first dosing to CHR, UP TO 66 CYCLES

Complete Hematological Response (CHR) was defined as

* WBC count \<10×109/L

* platelet count \<450×109/L

* basophils \<5%

* no blasts and promyelocytes in peripheral blood

* myelocytes+metamyelocytes \<5% in peripheral blood

* no evidence of extramedullary disease, including spleen and liver

* Assessment confirmation after at least 4 weeks for newly diagnosed Ph+ CML-CP

Overall Survival (OS) in Imatinib/Dasatinib Resistant/Intolerant CML-CP - Kaplan-Meier Estimatesfrom first dosing to death up to 66 cycles

Overall survival is defined as the time from the date of first study drug intake to the date of death due to any cause. If a patient is not known to have died, survival will be censored at the date of their last assessment for patients on study and date of last contact for patients in follow-up.

Pharmacodynamics (BCR-ABL Transcript Levels Determined With Standard Protocols in Peripheral Blood): Best MMR Status by CycleBy 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 66 cycles

BCR-ABL is the fusion gene from breakpoint cluster region and Abelson genes. BCR-ABL transcript levels were summarized by cohort and time point. MMR is defined as ≤ 0.1% BCR-ABL/control gene (ABL) % by international scale, or equivalent to ≥ 3 log reduction of BCR-ABL transcript from standardized baseline, measured by RQ-PCR.

Acceptability (Including Palatability) of Dose Forms Used After First Dose, Cycle 1 and Cycle 12 Study Drug Formulationup to Cycle 12

Acceptability of the study drug was evaluated from a questionnaire completed by patients, with the help from parents or caregivers at visits.

The Questionnaire to capture patient assessment of palatability (very good to very bad) and acceptability of taking the medication (very easy to very hard to administration).

Best Complete Cytogenetic Response (CCyR) in Newly Diagnosed Ph+ CML-CP Patients - Overallup to 66 cycles

Complete cytogenetic response (CCyR) - 0% Ph+ metaphases No response - \>95 to 100% Ph+ metaphases

Summary of Time to First Complete Cytogenic Response (CCyR) in Newly Diagnosed Ph+ CML-CP PatientsFrom first dosing to the first CCyR up to 66 cycles

Cytogenetic response is assessed as the percentage of Philadelphia positive (Ph+) metaphases in the bone marrow. Complete Cytogenetic Response (CCyR) is defined as 0% of Ph+ metaphases. A patient was counted as having CCyR by 6 cycles (respectively 12 cycles) if the patient met the CCyR criteria at least once at any time between first study drug intake and cycle 6 (cycle 12 respectively) visit included.

Summary of Time to First Major Cytogenetic Response (MCyR) Among Patients Who Achieved MCyR in Newly Diagnosed CML-CP Patientsup to 66 cycles

Major cytogenetic response (MCyR) - 0 to 35% Ph+ metaphases. A major response combines both complete and partial responses.

Best Major Cytogenetic Response (MCyR) Rate by Time Point in Newly Diagnosed Ph+ CML Patients6, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 66 cycles

Major cytogenetic response (MCyR) - 0 to 35% Ph+ metaphases. A major response combines both complete and partial responses.

Kaplan-Meier Estimates of Time to First Complete Hematological Response (CHR) in Newly Diagnosed CML-CP Patientsfrom first dosing to CHR, UP TO 66 CYCLES

Complete Hematological Response (CHR) was defined as

* WBC count \<10×109/L

* platelet count \<450×109/L

* basophils \<5%

* no blasts and promyelocytes in peripheral blood

* myelocytes+metamyelocytes \<5% in peripheral blood

* no evidence of extramedullary disease, including spleen and liver

* Assessment confirmation after at least 4 weeks for newly diagnosed Ph+ CML-CP

Time to Disease Progression for Imatinib or Dasatinib Resistant or Intolerant CML-CP Patients - Kaplan-Meier EstimatesFrom first dosing to the disease progression within 66 cycles

Time to disease progression is the time from the date of first study drug intake to the date of event defined as the first progression to AP or BC (from CP) or to BC (from AP) or the date of CML-related death occurring on treatment, whichever was earlier.

Event Free Survival in Imatinib/Dasatinib Resistant/Intolerant CML-CP PatientsFrom first dosing to the disease progression or death up to 66 cycles

Event Free Survival is defined as the time from the date of first study drug intake to the first occurrence of any of the following loss of CHR, loss of MCyR ( PCyR + CCyR), progression to AP/BC (from CP) or to BC (from AP), or death from any cause. (Including events only during treatment)

Pharmacokinetics (PK): Steady State Concentration of Nilotinib in Imatinib/Dasatinib Resistant/Intolerant CML-CP PatientsCycle 1 Day 8

PK was analyzed only when all patients has completed 12 cycles on treatment or discontinued the study treatment early.

Growth Data: Abnormal Height Standard Deviation Scores (SDS) Changes by Cohortfrom first dosing to 66 cycles

To assess long term effect on growth, development and maturation of nilotinib treatment in pediatric patients with Ph+ CML in participants with both a baseline and post-baseline value.

Mutational Assessment of BCR-ABLup to 66 cycles

Emerging signs of resistance to nilotinib

Trial Locations

Locations (11)

Loma Linda University Cancer Center


Loma Linda, California, United States

Nationwide Childrens Hospital


Columbus, Ohio, United States

Seattle Childrens Hospital


Seattle, Washington, United States

Lucile Salter Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford


Palo Alto, California, United States

Johns Hopkins Oncology Center ORA


Baltimore, Maryland, United States

Cook Children's Medical Center Oncology


Fort Worth, Texas, United States

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Oncology


Dallas, Texas, United States

Novartis Investigative Site


Bristol, United Kingdom

St. Mary's Hospital


West Palm Beach, Florida, United States

Nemours Childrens Hospital


Orlando, Florida, United States

UNC Chapel Hill


Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States

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