Vitamin K1

Generic Name
Vitamin K1
Brand Names
Aquamephyton, Infuvite, Infuvite Pediatric, Mephyton, Mvi Pediatric, Phytonadione
Drug Type
Small Molecule
Chemical Formula
CAS Number
Unique Ingredient Identifier

Vitamin K1, also called phylloquinone or phytonadione, is a fat soluble vitamin. Phylloquinone is a cofactor of the enzyme γ-carboxylase, which modifies and activates precursors to coagulation factors II, VII, IX, and X. It is indicated in the treatment of coagulation disorders due to faulty formation of coagulation factors II, VII, IX, and X caused by defic...


Oral phylloquinone is indicated to treat prothrombin deficiency caused by coumarin or indanedione derivatives; and hypoprothrombinemia secondary to antibacterial therapy, salicylates, or obstructive jaundice or biliary fistulas with concomitant bile salt administration.

Associated Conditions
Coagulation Disorder, Hypoprothrombinemia, Hemorrhagic disease of the newborn
Associated Therapies
Vitamin supplementation
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