School-based prevention of teacher and parental violence against children - BMC Public Health
A two-armed school-based cluster randomized controlled trial (CRCT) in 16 primary schools in Morogoro, Tanzania, aims to assess the impact of a school-based training intervention (ICC-T for teachers, ICC-P for parents) on reducing violence in schools and homes. The study includes a baseline assessment before intervention allocation and a follow-up assessment three months after intervention delivery. The intervention, consisting of a five-day training for teachers and a three-weekend-day training followed by a refresher day for parents, focuses on non-violent interaction strategies. The study also includes a process evaluation to monitor fidelity, acceptability, and feasibility of the intervention, and collects both quantitative and qualitative data to assess outcomes such as violence reduction, attitudes towards violence, children's mental health, and school climate.
Reference News
A two-armed school-based cluster randomized controlled trial (CRCT) in 16 primary schools in Morogoro, Tanzania, aims to assess the impact of a school-based training intervention (ICC-T for teachers, ICC-P for parents) on reducing violence in schools and homes. The study includes a baseline assessment before intervention allocation and a follow-up assessment three months after intervention delivery. The intervention, consisting of a five-day training for teachers and a three-weekend-day training followed by a refresher day for parents, focuses on non-violent interaction strategies. The study also includes a process evaluation to monitor fidelity, acceptability, and feasibility of the intervention, and collects both quantitative and qualitative data to assess outcomes such as violence reduction, attitudes towards violence, children's mental health, and school climate.