Sarepta (SRPT) to Seek Approval for DMD Therapy Even After Drug Trial Failed - Bloomberg
Sarepta Therapeutics Inc. reported its $3.2M gene therapy for Duchenne muscular dystrophy didn't clearly slow the disease in a trial with 125 children, leading to a 37% stock drop and a $3.76B market value loss.
Reference News
Sarepta (SRPT) Therapy for DMD Muscle Disease Fails to Hit Trial Goal - Bloomberg
Sarepta Therapeutics and Roche's gene therapy trial for Duchenne muscular dystrophy failed its main goal, causing Sarepta's shares to drop 49% and Roche's by 4.1%, raising doubts about treatment expansion to older children.
Sarepta (SRPT) to Seek Approval for DMD Therapy Even After Drug Trial Failed - Bloomberg
Sarepta Therapeutics Inc. reported its $3.2M gene therapy for Duchenne muscular dystrophy didn't clearly slow the disease in a trial with 125 children, leading to a 37% stock drop and a $3.76B market value loss.