Institute for Pathology, Bayreuth, Bavaria, Germany
Dept. for Radiation Therapy & Radiooncology, University Hospital, Germany, Saxonia, Germany
Med. Dept. I, Gastroenterology, Dresden, Saxonia, Germany
Institute of Clinical Pharmacology, Medical Faculty, University of Technology, Dresden, Germany
Institute of Clinical Pharmacology, Dresden, Germany
Department of Psychiatry at Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, Saxony, Germany
Department of Psychiatry, Wroclaw University of Medicine, Wroclaw, Poland
Michalovce Psychiatric Hospital, Michalovce, Slovakia
Department of Nuclear Medicine at the Technical University of Dresden, Dresden, Saxony, Germany
Department of Neurology at the Technical University of Dresden, Dresden, Saxony, Germany
Chemnitz Hospital, Dept. of Internal Medicine I, Chemnitz, Germany
Department of Dermatology, TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany
Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik I, University Clinic Carl Gustav Carus, Dresden, Germany